
UI GreenMetric World University Rankings

UI GreenMetric World University Ranking

The UI GreenMetric is recognized as the world's first rating agency for sustainability which evaluates and compares the sustainability efforts at university campuses worldwide. UI GreenMetric was launched in 2010 by the initiative of Universitas Indonesia in order to attract attention to issues of global climate change, energy and water conservation, waste recycling, and green transportation. UI GreenMetric, which aims to provide more attention to sustainability of the environment and economic and social problems related to sustainability, collects numeric data from thousands of universities worldwide. Every year, many universities from different countries are evaluated by GreenMetric in areas such as infrastructure, energy and climate change, wastes, water resources, transportation and education. They are scored for each assessment category and as a result higher education institutions are ranked according to their total scores from these evaluations. The evaluation is carried out by a team of experts from the University of Indonesia.

In October 2022, İzmir Bakırçay University applied for the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for the first time. The number of participant universities increases every year and the results will be announced in December 2022.

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