YEVDES R&D Projects Support
Within the scope of the fourth component “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency R&D Support for Universities” of YEVDES project which is financed by the European Union and led by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) International Services, of which the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources is the beneficiary, various support instruments will be provided for research and development projects developed by universities.
YEVDES will provide support to projects developed in the following areas:
- Renewable energy (RE) technologies used in electricity generation through solar (photovoltaic panels, concentrated solar energy, etc.), wind, biomass/biogas, geothermal, hydroelectric and other renewable energy sources
- Microgeneration, co-generation, tri-generation and quad-generation power plant systems
- Multi-generation technology, insulation materials and technologies, energy (fuel cell) and heat storage, etc. energy efficiency applications
- High or low technology products for renewable energy and energy efficiency applications
- Renewable energy or energy efficiency technologies applied in transportation (hybrid engines, hydrogen fueled or internal combustion engines)
- Electric motors and water/heat pumps
- New lighting technologies
- Passive energy systems
- Electricity transmission / distribution infrastructure
- Smart grid/meters and domestic applications/household appliances for energy saving
- Energy management software and smartphone applications
- Other studies carried out in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency